Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

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Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Best Ebook Online Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code is a handbook for men who want to live life to the fullest with character, honor, and integrity. Men of the Code examines the current state of men's morals and ethics, and then shows men, step by step, how to hold themselves to a higher standard. This is more than a book on character and ethics; Men of the Code goes much deeper into why men should live by a higher standard and how to do just that. This amazing book guides men and boys through the character traits that should be integrated into every man's life and teaches the reader exactly how to develop his own code of honor. Men of the Code touches on what it means to be a real man in today's society. It examines the current state of men and how men are portrayed in movies, videos, television, and in the media. Then it delves into how men can transform their lives and become the kind of man that most of us respect and strive to be. Each character trait is examined in both an informative and entertaining chapter of its own. Each chapter contains easy to understand analogies, examples, and prose that reaches men on a deep level. Men of the Code encourages and motivates men and boys to become the best that they can be, in a world where it seems most men are willing to settle for average. In Men of the Code, the reader will learn: * How to be a superior man * What it takes to be a real man * How to be a better husband * What true courage is * How your thoughts affect your life * The true meaning of honor * What it means to be a true friend * How to be a great father * How to raise real men * Why discipline is vital in your life * Why sincerity is important * How to live a life of excellence * What true respect means * How to live a life of honor * How to be at peace with death * How to make the right decision * Why you should be courteous * And much, much more... Men of the Code is a must read for every mother and father, for every young man, and for those men who want to be what Confucius called, superior men. This book is truly life-changing.

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #76454 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .64" w x 6.00" l, .84 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 282 pages
Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Review                Filled with Motivating, Inspirational, and Relevant Information!     Every single page of this book is filled with motivating, inspirational, and relevant information for men in today's world. Dr. Sanders brings to light many issues and struggles for men in today's society.      I highly recommend Men of the Code to everyone. This book is eye-opening and will motivate you to live a better life. I highly recommend it!  Grandmaster Al Dacascos                                                                 I Love This Book!     The information in Men of the Code is critical information for today's man. Dr. Sanders has compiled the teachings, the wisdom and the traits that every man should center their life around. I love this book. It gets right down to the core of what it means to be a man. The wisdom and teachings in this book are invaluable! I can't recommend this book highly enough! Frank Dux                                               Essential to the Library of Every Man!     Dr. Bohdi Sanders has nailed it. Men of the Code is one of the best books that I have read for helping men to realize and to develop their true potential and is one of those rare books destined to be an instant classic.        This book is essential to the library of every man and any martial artist who is a serious practitioner of his art. Men of the Code will not only benefit men, but everyone who reads it will come away with the knowledge that can be a life changer.    Michael McGann                   Dr. Sanders has hit a grand slam with his new book, Men of the Code!     This book is packed with hard-hitting wisdom and sage advice for men. Men of the Code really gets to the core of what it means to truly be a man.         Dr. Sanders gets to the center of what being a man is all about.  I consider this book, not only timely, but extremely important. Men of the Code is sure to become a classic. I highly recommend this book. Every man should read it and every parent should use it to teach their sons how to become men.  Billy Matheny                     Perhaps the Single Most Interesting Nook I have Read in my Life.      It is jam packed with the tools and tips of becoming manly in this gender neutral world that we live in today. This is the ultimate handbook for any man who wants to live a better and longer life.      There are so many character lessons built into the pages of this book! I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what nature intended men to be. This is sure to become a best seller.  Richard Hackworth

From the Author      Over the centuries, men of character have lived by a set of principles and standards that have guided their lives. These were men of honor and esteem. They took their honor and their principles seriously and lived life as men, not merely adult males, but true men - men of character, integrity and honor.        But, in today's modern society, it seems that the vast majority of men have forgotten how to live by these principles. They have forgotten what it means to truly be real men. They have forgotten the ways of honor.        Gone are the days where boys and young men could find good role models in movies, on television, or elsewhere in their lives. The majority of young men today have no manly role models. Oh, there are those role models in movies, but they aren't really the role models that you want for your sons.        They teach them to either act brutish and crude, or feminine and wimpish. Where are the role models like John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart? Where do boys and young men learn to be men of honor in today's world? What has happened to the men in our world, that they no longer have pride in being men of respect, men of courage, and men of honor?        What happened to the days when a man's word meant something, when a handshake was as good as a contract? What happened to respect, honor, and chivalry? Do you think that our modern society is producing any more men like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington? What has happened to men of courage, men who were willing to stand against wrong wherever they might find it?        These are not simply rhetorical questions; there is a very real risk of losing an entire generation to political correctness, to the unbridled influence of Hollywood, and to selfish neglect. We need men of honor, men of the code, to step up and take responsibility for both living life as they should, and for teaching the next generation of young men how to be men of character and honor. We need to stand against the wave of neglected standards in this world.        Men use to live by principles like courage, respect, honor, and integrity, but these traits don't seem to get a second thought in today's world. There is very little self-respect left today; self-respect has been replaced with a counterfeit replacement. Today, men dress and act like boys; they seem to not want to grow up and become men. Thus, boys and young men have no role models to look up to; so they turn to celebrities, sports figures, and musicians as their role models.        This decline in values and principles can be seen across the board. It is evident in the music lyrics, the foul language which has now become common place, pants that hang below the butt, and an overall attitude of disrespect that permeates throughout our culture. F-bombs are now as common as saying hello, and are heard in music, on movies, on television, in mixed company, and just as often by women as much as men.        Respect and honor have fallen by the wayside. Standards have been lowered to the lowest common denominator. The good news is that not everyone has lowered their standards, not everyone has accepted this decline in our culture. There are still men out there who know what it really means to be real men.        It is high time for men to get back to being men of honor. Men of the Code is a guide to living life as a superior man, a man of honor. In Men of the Code, you will learn what has happened to our culture that has led to this erosion of morals and honor among both men and women. I delve into how our entertainment, schools, and government have played a major role in the lowering of the standards of our modern culture, and how we are losing an entire generation of young men to these "new standards," or more fittingly, the new lack of standards.        I also take the reader on a journey through the character traits that all men should integrate into their lives. These character traits are universal. Men throughout the world recognize the value of being honorable, of being honest, courageous, and having integrity. The traits that are covered in Men of the Code, are traits which everyone should live by, but unfortunately, very few actually do.        Everyone should know what they stand for and what they won't stand for in life, but most people in today's society never slow down enough to even consider what they truly stand for. Men of the Code takes the reader step by step into the world of the real man - the man who lives life with gusto, courage, honor, character, and integrity. It guides the reader through the character traits, roles and duties of men who live a life of honor and character.        Men of the Code should be read more like a guide book for the man who wants to live by the old ways of honor, in a modern world that has largely forgotten what honor truly means. Not everyone has accepted the lower standards that have gradually slithered into acceptance in today's world. There are still men in this world who live by a code of honor.      What each man has to decide is how he wants to live his life. This is a vital question for you, and every man, to answer. Do you want to simply go along to get along, or do you want to go you own way in a society of sheep? Do you want to be an average man or do you have the courage to step up and be a superior man - a man of honor and courage? I hope that you decide to be a superior man.        I use the symbol of a man holding a samurai sword on the cover because the sword symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, courage, and is the symbol of knighthood and chivalry. It also symbolizes discrimination and the power of manly intellect. These are all traits of men of the code, and traits which have all but vanished in our modern culture.        It is my goal to give men a guide for living a life of honor, for living by a code. Men of the Code is a guide for doing just this. By the time you finish reading this book, you will not only be able to discern what has been missing in your life, but you will also be prepared to change your life in a positive way. You will have all of the information that you need to develop your own code of ethics that will guide all of your actions and decisions throughout your life.        My hope is that Men of the Code will awaken men to the deception that has slowly caused them to lower their standards and that it will lead to revival of men who take honor and character seriously. I hope that it will help stop the regression of our standards and principles, and that it will cause men to awaken and to once again find the desire to become MEN of the CODE.   Bohdi Sanders

From the Back Cover Men of the Code provides you  with a complete overview of what it takes to be a real man - a man of  honor and integrity. It provides you with a multitude of life-changing analogies, quotes, life lessons, guidance, and soul-searching questions of value and ethics. Being a man of character doesn't happen by accident; you have to work at it. You have to study the ways of the superior man and discipline yourself. Men of the Code is your guidebook to living the life of the superior man - the man of honor. You will be motivated and inspired by the straightforward lessons of wisdom and honor in this book. If you want to live a life of honor, this book is for you! Learn the ways of real men of honor!Men of the Code is all about living the life of the superior man. This enlightening book covers exactly what you need to change your life! Join the ranks of those men who still live by character, honor, and integrity!In Men of the Code you will learn:*  How to be a superior man                    *  How to be a better husband*  What it takes to be a real man              *  What true courage is*  How your thoughts affect your life       *  The true meaning of honor*  What it means to be a true friend         *  How to be a great father*  Why discipline is vital in your life         *  Why sincerity is important*  How to live a life of excellence             *  What true respect means*  How to be at peace with death             *  How to live a life of honor*  How to make the right decision            *  How to raise real men*  Why you should be courteous              *  And much, much more...

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Some good points here. By tom A lot of good advice here--seems like a book for young men and women. I don't agree with everything he says, and I've heard it all before--Timely as we are in the age of Machiavellian philosophy type books.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. An absolute must read! By Kyoshi Kerofsky Men can search their entire lives to find the ultimate guide book to live by and find nothing. Many look to the bible and yes it is the guide of finding ones spiritual self. But in this world of corruption, greed, and power it is easy to get lost. There is only two choices. One can conform to the world and be a puppet, or one can find his own set of values and live by a code. After much search in my life I finally read the ultimate guide book that transformed me and confirmed my values. The book is entitles, "Men of the Code." It is a must read for a boy who has lost his way, for a man who does not want to conform to the world, or even for one who has a set code and values and wants to confirm them or gain a better understanding of them-self. As for me, myself, who is a man of character, a man who has spent half his life serving in the Navy, a man who has fought in five conflicts, a man who is a combat veteran, and a martial artist. This book was a reflection of my own life, of what I have overcome, of the trials I went through, the path that I have walked, and the journey I still have to strive through. This book is my guide to keep me striving and on the right path. "Men of the Code" is a must read.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A new look into men's work. By Kenneth G. Ducote I have always been interested in "men's work" since undergrad and grad school. My first introduction was the work of Robert Bly and the mythopoetic approach he wrote about. Now Dr. Sanders takes "men's work" to a new and higher lever. That level is to resurrect the honor and code of men that through the past 3 decades seemed to be lost in a world often confused with political correctness. Dr. Sanders addresses the honor and the code of men which also enriches how men relate to their world, their partners and their own personal discipline which therefore enriches life itself. Men of the Code is about personal integrity, value and ethics, all the things that have seemed to go by the way side. To bring this Code back is to resurrect the true character of man that has been forgotten.Ken Ducote, MA, NCC, LPC

See all 28 customer reviews... Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

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Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders
Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man, by Bohdi Sanders

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